
Visitor visa statistics

​​​​​​​​​​​Statistical information about visitors to Australia is gathered on their arrival and departure from airports and seaports throughout Australia.

The reports published on this page are not accessible. If you would like an alternative accessible format of any of the documents, email statistical.coordination@homeaffairs.gov.au

Visitor visa program report

The Visitor Visa report is a bi-annual publication that provides data on visitor visas.

Working Holiday Maker visa program report

The Working Holiday Maker report is a bi-annual publication that provides data on the Working Holiday, and Work and Holiday, visa streams.

The reports published on this page are not accessible. If you would like an alternative accessible format of any of the documents, email statistical.coordination@homeaffairs.gov.au​.​

Further statistical information is available at data.gov.au.

Disclaimer: There might be minor differences between the data contained in the documents below and other reports published by the Department owing to differences in the data extraction dates.​​

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