
Accessibility of our websites and mobile apps

​​​​Our commitment

Home Affairs is committed to making our websites and mobile apps user-friendly regardless of your cultural, linguistic, or religious background. We aim to make our digital services inclusive for all users regardless of their abilities or reliance on Assistive Technology (AT) by following worldwide web standards.

Worldwide web standards

We are working to comply with Levels A and AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2. This describes how to make web content more usable and accessible for everyone.


Many of the downloadable publications and forms we offer are in Portable Document Format (PDF). This format can cause problems for some users so we have included a guide. Visit Using PDF Files.

Translating and interpreting

We provide the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National). This service helps people who do not speak English in their daily lives, as well as agencies and businesses to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.

You can contact TIS National on 131 450 (within Australia).

Accessibility assistance

The Home Affairs websites and mobile apps are the work of many authors in a changing environment. Because of this, there is always the possibility that accessibility issues may be encountered. If you experience any issues or need to request a different, accessible version of our website content, contact us using the form Request for accessibility assistance.

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