
Overseas arrival and departure statistics

​Overseas Arrivals and Departures (OAD) data refers to the arrival and departure of Australian residents or overseas visitors, through Australian airports and sea ports. OAD data describes the number of movements of passengers rather than the number of passengers. That is, multiple movements of individual persons during a given reference period are all counted.

OAD data will differ from data derived from other sources, such as Migration Program Outcomes, Settlement Database or Visa Grant information.

Passengers granted a visa in one year might not arrive until the following year, or might not travel to Australia at all. Some visas permit multiple entries to Australia, so passengers might enter Australia more than once on a visa.

Pivot tables

Pivot tables are available on our Overseas Arrivals and Departures web page on the data.gov.au website.

Definitions used in tables

For the definition of terms used in the Overseas Arrivals and Departures pivot tables, see Overseas Arrivals and Departure - Explanatory Notes on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.

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