
Country profile - Philippines


At the end of June 2022, 320,300 Filipino-born people were living in Australia, 55.4 per cent more than the number (206,110) at 30 June 2012. This is the fifth largest migrant community in Australia, equivalent to 4.2 per cent of Australia’s overseas-born population and 1.2 per cent of Australia’s total population.

For Australia’s Filipino-born migrants:

  • The median age of 41.0 years was 2.5 years above that of the general population.
  • Females outnumbered males—60.8 per cent compared with 41.0 per cent.
(Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australia’s Population by Country of Birth)

Permanent migration

Australia's permanent Migration Program incorporates economic and family migration and is the main pathway to permanent residence. It includes the Skill stream, Family stream and Special Eligibility visas. The only other way to obtain permanent residence is on humanitarian grounds. 

Skill stream visas

The Skill stream is designed for workers who have the skills, qualifications and entrepreneurship most needed in the Australian economy. There are seven components:

  1. Business Innovation and Investment

  2. Distinguished Talent

  3. Employer Sponsored

  4. Global Talent (Independent)

  5. Regional

  6. Skilled Independent

  7. State/Territory Nominated.

Family and Child stream visas

The Family stream allows the permanent migration of close family members, of Australian citizens, permanent residents, and eligible New Zealand citizens. It focuses on partners and parents, but also provides the opportunity for additional family members, such as aged dependent relatives, carers, remaining relatives and orphan relatives, to join their family in Australia.

Child visas allow the permanent migration of children, of Australian citizens, permanent residents, and eligible New Zealand citizens. The Child visa comprises two categories, namely Child and Adoption visas.

Special Eligibility visas

Special Eligibility visas allow former residents and certain people who served in the Australian Defence Force to live in Australia as permanent residents.

The following table shows the size of permanent migration from the Philippines by migration category.

Table 1: Permanent migrant places granted, 2019–20 to 2022–23
Migration category2019–202020–212021–22​2022–23
Business Innovation and Investment<5788
Employer Sponsored2,5831,8322,1513,123
Skilled Independent439160801,738
State/Territory Nominated1,3307899951,135
Regional 11,8421,2891,4583,098
Global Talent (Independent) 2301075018


All other categories 3403656591610
Total places granted 8,965 11,058 8,591 13,085
Source: Department of Home Affairs
1The Regional migration category commenced 1 July 2019.
2Global Talent (Independent) category commenced 4 November 2019.
3 Data has been perturbed to protect the privacy of individuals.
Note: To protect the privacy of individuals, various data confidentiality techniques have been applied. These techniques include, data masking — using primary and secondary suppression methods for values that are deemed to be a disclosure risk and perturbation — a data security technique that allows for random data adjustment to prevent the release of identifiable data.

Temporary migration

People can come to Australia for a temporary stay for a range of purposes, for example, visiting Australia for tourism or attending a conference, or for more specific purposes, such as medical treatment, study, skilled work, working holidays or other specialist activities. There are six main categories of temporary residents, which can cover stays of more than three months in Australia.

Note: Not all categories apply to migrants from each country.

Visitor visas

Visitor visas are mostly used by people visiting Australia for holidays, tourism and recreation, or to see family and friends. People may also use Visitor visas for certain short-term business activities that do not entail working in Australia.

Working Holiday Maker Program

The Working Holiday Maker Program allows young adults to have an extended holiday and engage in short-term work and study.

Student visa

The Student visa program enables international students to come to Australia to study full-time in a registered course.

Temporary Resident (Skilled Employment) visa

Allows a business to sponsor a skilled overseas worker if they cannot find an appropriately skilled Australian citizen or permanent resident to fill a skilled position.

Other temporary visas

Other temporary visas include visas that allow people to undertake short-term, non-ongoing highly specialised work, enrich social and cultural development, strengthen international relations or provide training opportunities of benefit to Australia.

New Zealand citizens

Under the 1973 Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement, New Zealand citizens can enter and leave Australia freely and live in Australia indefinitely on grant of a Special Category visa (subclass 444).

The following table shows the number of visa grants to migrants from the Philippines, for Visitor, Student and Temporary Resident (Skilled Employment) visas.

Table 2: Temporary visas granted by selected categories, 2019–20 to 2022–23
Temporary visa category2019–202020–212021–22​2022–23
Temporary Resident (Skilled Employment)4,1652,9855,21511,765
Other temporary visa grants 13,6562,9185,41520,989
Total temporary visa grants 90,844 21,696 46,672 174,771
Source: Department of Home Affairs
1Excludes Transit visa (subclass 771), Border visa (subclass 773) and Maritime Crew visa (subclass 988).

Main occupations

The following table shows the main occupations for nationals of the Philippines, based on Skill stream migration outcomes and Temporary Resident (Skilled Employment) visa grants.

Table 3: Ma​in occupations, 2019–20 to 2022–23
PeriodTemporary Resident (Skilled Employment) visasNo. of migrantsSkill stream migrationNo. of migrants
2022–23Motor mechanics811Registered nurses1,356
Structural steel and welding trades workers727Motor mechanics345
Registered nurses508Structural steel and welding trades workers151
Metal fitters and machinists291Chefs112
Painting trades workers278Cooks105
Cooks198Software and applications programmers85
Livestock farmers160Civil engineering professionals80
Panelbeaters150Industrial, mechanical and production engineers77
Mechanical engineering draftspersons and technicians149Medical laboratory scientists70
2021–22Registered nurses392ICT business and systems analysts808
Motor mechanics305Metal casting, forging and finishing trades workers154
Structural steel and welding trades workers202Auditors, company secretaries and corporate treasurers84
Software and applications programmers136Financial brokers71
Livestock farmers134Animal attendants and trainers64
Auditors, company secretaries and corporate treasurers109Database and systems administrators, and ICT security specialists62
Painting trades workers93Aircraft maintenance engineers49
Chefs79Multimedia specialists and web developers32
Deck and fishing hands71Electrical engineers28
2020–21Registered nurses281Registered nurses850
Livestock farmers136Software and applications programmers93
Structural steel and welding trades workers89Motor mechanics 76
Physiotherapists85Medical laboratory scientists61
Motor mechanics84Accountants56
Software and applications programmers81Chefs37
Electrical distribution trades workers63ICT business and systems analysts30
Mechanical engineering draftspersons and technicians60Civil engineering professionals22
Chefs43Mechanical engineering draftspersons and technicians21
2019–20Registered nurses411Registered nurses903
Motor mechanics284Motor mechanics110
Structural steel and welding trades workers185Software and applications programmers95
132Structural steel and welding trades workers95
Livestock farmers98Cooks95
Software and applications programmers92Accountants83
Metal fitters and machinists77Livestock farmers69
ICT business and systems analysts45Panelbeaters44
Chefs40ICT business and systems analysts36
Source: Department of Home Affairs
Note: Occupation level information is available for primary applicants only, and is based on Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations unit level data.

Geographic distribution

The following table shows the geographic distribution of migrants by state and territory​, based on permanent additions for the Skill and Family streams, international student visa grants, and Temporary Resident (Skilled Employment) visa grants.

Table 4: Geographic distribution, by state and territory
​Census 2021 (%)
Of all persons322620710212
Of Filipino-born362318513122
Permanent additions - 2022–23 (%)
Skill stream342613614223
Family and Child stream302121617121
​Temporary visa grants - 2022–23 (%)
International student visa grants29222799111
Temporary Resident (Skilled Employment) visa (primary) grants322615519121
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics and Department of Home Affairs
Note: Permanent additions consist of two components; those persons who, while already in Australia on a temporary basis, are granted permanent residence status or those persons who have subsequently arrived from overseas during the reporting period and are entitled to stay permanently in Australia.

Country ranking

This table uses rankings to show the significance of Filipino migration for the past four financial years.

Table 5: Country ranking, 2019–20 to 2022–23
Ranked position of migrants2019–202020–212021–22​2022–23
Population in Australia 15555
Employer Sponsored3333
Total Skill stream4455
Total Family and Child stream5343
International students8775
Temporary Resident (Skilled Employment) visa3332
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics and Department of Home Affairs
1Population level data is by country of birth and lags one year behind the financial year specified. Data based on the estimated residential population at 30 June; 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

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