
Exposure Draft Migration Amendment (Protecting Migrant Workers) Bill 2021

The Department of Home Affairs is proposing legislative amendments to the Migration Act 1958  to strengthen provisions that address the exploitation of migrant workers in Australia.

The reform will send a strong message to unscrupulous employers and labour hire intermediaries that the exploitation of migrant workers as cheap labour is not acceptable. It is not only unfair to migrant workers, and to those employers who seek to do the right thing, but it also damages Australia’s reputation as a destination of choice. The reform also reiterates the Government’s commitment to combatting migrant worker exploitation and supporting migrant workers to feel more confident and secure about working in Australia.

The measures will enhance safeguards for migrant workers in Australia, including current and future working holiday makers, students and holders of other temporary work visas, as Australia’s international border re-opens.

The exposure draft​ for the Migration Amendment (Protecting Migrant Workers) Bill 2021 and the associated Context Paper​ were released to the public on 26 July 2021 and closed on 16 August 2021.

The Department received a number of submissions on the Exposure Draft of the Migration Amendment (Protecting Migrant Workers) Bill 2021. The Department is considering all of the feedback provided by the submissions. The submissions can be accessed below.

Ai Group Submission

AMES Australia Submission​

Anna Boucher Submission

Approved Employers of Australia Ltd Submission

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Submission

Australian Fresh Produce Alliance Submission​

Fragomen Australia Submission

Hammond Taylor Submission

IARC Unions NSW Joint Submission 20 Aug 2021

Immigration Solutions Submission

Law Council of Australia

Migrant Worker Justice Initiative Submission

Migrant Workers Centre Submission

Migration Institute of Australia Submission

NTEU Submission

Professor Joanna Howe​

Recruitment, Consulting and Staffing Association

Redfern Legal Centre Submission

Retail Supply Chain Alliance​

Settlement Council of Australia Submission

South Australian Wine Industry Association Submission

Susan Gin Submission

The Salvation Army Uniting Church Submission

United Workers Union Submission

VETASSESS Submission​

WEstJustice Submission

Woolworths Submission 20 Aug 2021​


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