
Investing in Refugees, Investing in Australia: the findings of a Review into Integration, Employment and Settlement Outcomes for Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants in Australia

On 14 December 2018, the Government commissioned an independent Review into Integration, Employment and Settlement Outcomes for  Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants (the Review) to provide advice to the Government on how to better support refugees and humanitarian entrants to make a valuable contribution to our social fabric and economy.

The Review was led by Professor Peter Shergold AC. Kerrin Benson, Chief Executive of Multicultural Australia, and Margaret Piper, member of the NSW Joint Partnership Working Group on Refugee Resettlement, were members on the Review panel.

Review report and Government response

More information

For more information see: Terms of Reference: Review into Integration, Employment and Settlement Outcomes for Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants 

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