
Engagement on minor amendments to existing rules under the SOCI Act

​On 19 February 2024, the Minister for Home Affairs opened consultation on a series of minor amendments to rules made under the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (SOCI Act). Consultation will be open for 28 days.

Amendments are proposed to the following rules:

  • Security of Critical Infrastructure (Application) Rules (LIN 22/026) 2022.(Applications Rules)
  • Security of Critical Infrastructure (Critical infrastructure risk management program) Rules (LIN 23/006) 2023.
  • Security of Critical Infrastructure (Definitions) Rules (LIN 21/039) 2021.(Definitions Rules)

The amendments are designed to ensure that obligations under the SOCI Act are applied appropriately to critical infrastructure assets.

Exposure draft copies of the Security of Critical Infrastructure Amendment (LIN 24/002) Rules 2024 and Explanatory Statement are available at the following links:

Proposed amendments

The purpose of the Security of Critical Infrastructure Amendment Rules (LIN 24/002) 2024 (the amendment instrument) is the following:

  • To specify assets that became critical ports or critical water assets after 3 December 2021 are subject to the register of critical infrastructure assets obligation under the SOCI Act.
  • To remove references to four sugar mills so as to make clear that they do not have obligations under the SOCI Act.
  • To create a list specifying critical hospitals subject to the SOCI Act and remove references to certain hospitals which are now no longer considered critical.
  • To update and clarify aviation-related definitions to align them with the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004 and Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005.
  • To clarify the positive security obligations that apply to payment systems which are “critical financial market infrastructure assets” under the Act.


If you have a question or would like to discuss the proposals, please email CI.reforms@homeaffairs.gov.au.

Make a submission

Any feedback on the amendment instrument must be in a submission to the Minister for Home Affairs. The Department invites you to do so by emailing ci.reforms@homeaffairs.gov.au no later than 23:59 hours AEDT on 18 March 2024.

Submissions will be published unless you state otherwise in writing.

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