
Child safeguarding

​​​​​​​​​Protecting vulnerable children.​​​

​​​The Department of Home Affairs and Australian Border Force (the Department) provides services in Australia and in over 60 countries around the world. We come into contact with children and families every day through our work.

Children receiving immigration services can be among the most vulnerable people we work with.

All children and families engaging with our services have the right to feel safe and supported.

We are committed to being a Child Safe Organisation. This means we:

  • consider how our policies and practices may influence the interests of children and young people
  • actively adopt strategies to protect and support children and young people
  • contribute to the safeguarding of children from abuse, neglect and exploitation by upholding Australia's domestic legal framework
  • ​uphold Australia's international obligations under treaties such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


M​ore Information

For more information about how the Department and the ABF safeguard children see:

Children who don't feel safe​

If you are in immediate danger, or believe a child is in immediate danger call Triple Zero(000).

​ If you are a child or young person who doesn't feel safe or you know a child or young person at risk, click here for help.

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