State and territory-led intervention programs have been established across Australia to identify individuals at risk of radicalising to violence, and provide tailored services to reduce their risk of becoming or remaining violent extremists. The Australian Government provides coordination support and funding to state and territory governments to help them implement their programs.
Intervention programs involve developing individually tailored case management plans to connect at-risk individuals with services such as mentoring and coaching, counselling, education and employment support. The process of radicalisation to violence is unique to each person, so responses need to be flexible and meet the individual's needs.
It is important that anyone who is in danger of becoming radicalised to violence is diverted on to a different path as early as possible before they harm themselves or others. The people who are most likely to be able to get through to someone at risk will be people they trust—parents, friends, teachers or community leaders.
We encourage families, friends and communities who see changes in an individual that suggest they may be radicalising or thinking about travelling to participate in a foreign conflict to contact local authorities to seek further help and advice.